a dynamic interrelationship
This practice-based research consists of exploring a dynamic interrelationship between body, architecture and objects through spatial practices anchored in the tension between materiality and ephemerality, functionality and its conditions of displacement.
"La Plasti Ciudad del Cuerpo" was a performance-installation exploring the possibilities of utilizing discarded objects to produce and evoke ephemeral architectural figures.
Video excerpt — La Plasti Ciudad del Cuerpo #1 at the Fundación Antonio Pérez, Cuenca/ES
The "Bodies and Discarded Objects" action, in a workshop format, involved practices from viewpoints by Anne Bogart (with a focus on architecture) that led the group of participants to create a sculpture from discarded objects (Reina Sofía Museum, Madrid/ES).

"Ladder, Duct Tape, Clothes" is a video-performance developed during an artistic resident at Azala, Lasierra (Spain), where Amanda Gatti and Mariquiña Diaz explored the objects listed in the title in relation to time, space and their bodies. Through improvisation, like a game, the artists create a situation in which architectural images are constructed and deconstructed at the same time.
From 2020-2023 Amanda was a founding member of the Território de Rupturas collective, investigating possibilities of remote creation based on the theory of 'Dérive' by Guy Debord and Georges Perec's concept of 'Infraordinary', which relates everyday life and art. The projects were financed by SEDAC (Brazil) through the Aldir Blanc Law 2020/2021.

Educational Artistic Program
Seminar, Video Performance
An artistic programme for training and supporting young emerging artists from Rio Grande do Sul, south of Brazil. It was facilitated and managed by Amanda Gatti and Gustiele Fistaról (Território de Rupturas collective). Several actions were carried out in order to qualify artists and provoke reflections on the terms “border and difference” - six video performances (Available here) and a masterclass entitled "Becoming Border: Thinking Through Difference". The project was supported using public funding by the Marcopolo Foundation (Brazil).

Hybrid (Virtual) Workshop
This virtual workshop facilitated by Amanda Gatti and Gustiele Fistaról introduced some ideias around spatial urban practice, incorporating ideias such as "dérive" and sensory ethnography. It consisted of a short walk and discussion. All of the participantes were connected through a video call and during the practise they were walking in their own cities.
Moinho Cultural (Farroupilha, BR)
Tropé Festival (São Paulo, BR)

Video performance
14' / colour / digital
United Kingdom, Brazil
In search of new territorialities, poetically disobeying spatial logic, three artists, even if physically separated, found themselves in a digital space and travel through a path from Fortaleza/Brazil (from the Centro Cultural Dragão do Mar to the statue of Iracema Guardiã) transposed to their own cities (Porto Alegre/BR, Farroupilha/BR and London/UK) without knowing exactly which street they will pass by, for how long they will walk or what will be the point of arrival equivalent to the “Iracema Guardiã” statue, offering themselves to the unpredictable.
Book "Imaginários Urbanos: desobediências poéticas"
ISBN: 978.65.5556.194.4
Organized by Eduardo Bruno
Fortaleza, Brazil
Poetic Disobediences, a theme that guided the 3rd Edition of the Imaginários Urbanos Festival in March 2021, presented here in texts by performance researchers who were part of the seminar held on the Porto Dragão YouTube channel, together with experience reports from the artists who participated in the edition.
Tourist in your own home, Astro (Berlin, DE)
Imaginários Urbanos Festival (Ceará, BR)
Festivau de Cann$s (Porto Alegre, BR)

Video performance
1'30 / p&b / digital
United Kingdom, Brazil
The video art started from the premise that "borders are not fixed, they move". The artists drifted guided by devices - which determined specific movements such as change of direction, speed and duration of the action, previously established by them: Amanda on the streets of London and Gustiele on the streets of Farroupilha (Brazil), connected through a video call. The work was part of the virtual adaptation of the performance Musicircus by John Cage proposed by Gabriel Cevallos for the Kino Beat Festival (Brazil, 2020).
Kino Beat Festival (Porto Alegre, BR)